New Makers Bureau Ltd

James Hampton


Soames Walk
London SE10 0AX

New Makers Bureau Ltd Contact

Standard rate number

Services Provided

Property type:

Single-Family Homes Townhouse Passive House / Eco-friendly Flats / Lofts Multi-unit Residential Buildings Exterior Historical / Listed Buildings

Type of Work

New Build Extension Roof Extension Renovation Conversion Restoration

Types of styles

Historical Contemporary Modern


New Makers Bureau is a London-based RIBA Chartered Architecture Practice that makes imaginative, environmental architecture. They help their clients make buildings that deliver positive change to the people and communities they serve and to the environment.  

New Makers Bureau’s guiding principle is to design environmentally and socially conscious buildings for the common good. James Hampton, the practice’s Founding Director, decided to establish New Makers Bureau as a way to reconnect the practice of architecture with making, as well as to explore the tactile and sensual experience of buildings.

What New Makers Bureau does is make buildings that are low in embodied carbon and low in energy consumed in-use, buildings that tread lightly on the earth. They are committed to both using less and making more with less, the practice carefully considers the finite and precious resources that they have and then thoughtfully and carefully utilises them.

New Makers Bureau is a purpose-driven and values-based practice delivering sustainable growth. The practice is shaped by its values of re-use, adaptation and retrofitting, and engages a holistic approach to sustainability. To achieve this, the team of professionals at New Makers Bureau design through making, drawing and photography and measure the impact of their projects. Throughout their work, they give special attention to the materials used, where they come from, and how they come together as a whole. The result is an architectural design that is distinctly unique, each and every time.

When it comes to their clients, New Makers Bureau seeks to work together with them in a spirit of collaboration. They are able to do this thanks to a process of hands-on workshops, dialogue and discovery. The team at New Makers Bureau uses its imagination to accomplish two things: find resourceful ways to fulfil the brief and work hard to make the most of the project and the planet’s resources.

Are you looking for an architect that cares as much about brilliant design as they do about the environment? Contact James Hampton of New Makers Bureau today to schedule your first free appointment.


  • Regional
  • National
  • International


  • Design / Plans
  • Building permits
  • Construction Management
  • Consulting


  • Free first appointment
  • Payment in instalments

Method of Payment

  • Direct Debit
  • Transfer


  • English

Architects Registration Board

Contact Information

BY James Hampton